

Shared this recipe on my Instagram and Facebook page last week. Since there are many of you that are just discovering me and might not follow me on either of those, I thought I'd go ahead and post this recipe on my blog too.  Be sure to connect with me on Instagram and/or Facebook for recipe first looks. 

This Strawberry Jam comes from my love of all things chia. Seriously, I'm on a huuuuuge chia kick right now. Latte Chia Pudding Spiced-Chi-Chi-Chi-Chia-Pudding and Matcha Pudding are in my weekly rotation. 

I had a bag of sliced frozen strawberries I stored awhile back and decided to let them thaw ever so slightly before cooking with them. As usual, life got in the way and when I finally got around to using the berries they had completely thawed and were floating in their own lovely yummy juice.  Well, as you've already figured, I decided to add chia seeds to the berry soup, but went slightly overboard. I made my berry concoction, tossed it in the fridge and voila, the next morning I had Strawberry Jam. 

You could eat an entire jar, but I don't recommend it. Mass amounts of chia consumption can cause some digestive issues...just sayin'. 

  • 1 c. strawberries, previously frozen and thawed with their juice
  • 1/4 c. chia seeds

Just a hint, I generally use 2 Tbsp of chia per 1/4 c. liquid for this recipe

  1. In a blender (I love using the Magic Bullet) combine all ingredients
  2. Pulse for 10 seconds
  3. Place in a jar and refrigerate for 6 hours (overnight is ideal)



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