

The Tortilla Espanola, also known as the Spanish Omelette, is a very popular egg dish that I fell in love with while in Barcelona a few years ago.  The version I make nowadays is made with sweet potato, rather than the usual white potato.  Think of this as a thinner fritatta.  

I cook the sweet potatoes in the microwave for a little bit (3-5 minutes) just to soften before I fry in the coconut oil, it adds 1 dish to the cleaning mix, but saves about 10 minutes of guess-work. To all the Paleo Purists out there, I know a microwave isn't the most "PALEO" thing to do, BUT when you're running short on time it is a life saver. I'm sure the caveman would use it, so it's ok in my book. ;)

Tortilla Patata

  • 1 medium sweet potato, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 onion, thinly sliced (I like sweet onions, but any onion will work)
  • 6 eggs, whisked
  • 1/2 c. coconut oil 
  • salt & pepper to taste

  1. Melt coconut oil in a medium oven-proof skillet.
  2. Add the thinly sliced sweet potato to the oil and brown on both sides.  
  3. Once sweet potatoes are browned and cooked, add the sliced onions and cook until opaque.
  4. Pour the whisked egg onto the potato & onions and gently mix together for moment.
  5. Turn the heat down to low and allow the egg to cook for 4-5 minutes. Make sure the heat isn't so high that the eggs burn.
    Move the oven-proof skillet into the oven, under the broiler and cook on high for 3 minutes or until the eggs appear cooked.
  6. EL FIN! (The End)


  1. I do a modified veisorn of the paleo diet, I believe it's called the primal diet. I do eat goat cheese and goats milk. Twice a week I'll have oatmeal. I also add honey to my coffee and tea daily.Strict paleo doesn't work for me either. It is all conjecture anyway. It's just as likely that primitive humans were getting their protein from insects. If they caught games they'd consume eyeballs and liver, all the calorie rich parts of the animal, rather than the grass fed, free range lean cuts of beef that Paleo enthusiasts buy.

  2. I think it's important that we all do what's best for us. I would love to eat oatmeal, but it doesn't work for me.
    Also, I love a great aged cheese in moderation. Loooove goat cheese :)
    Anything hardcore and/or super restrictive has no place in my life, that why I call it " My Paleo. Lifestyle". My Paleo excludes eyeballs ;)



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