

Summertime calls most of us to spend time outdoors. Alas, bugs can be a real buzz-kill at best, and carriers of disease at worst. Additionally, most commercial insect repellants contain a chemical known as DEET, which should be used with caution, if at all.  

Luckily, there are loads of ways to keep bugs at bay that don't call for harsh chemicals.  Personally, I love doTERRA Terrashield. It has a great scent, works on animals and is still gentle enough for children. 

In addition to repellents, it's important to make sure to wear protective clothing.   A determined bug will completely disregard your oils and elixirs, so cover up in areas that are overrun with weeds and pools of stagnant water. 

Should your preventive measures fail, there are well over a dozen different home remedies that can help, from herbs to baking soda to ice packs or heat, whether in the form of a heated or cold spoon.

Treating Bites and Stings Naturally

You've been bitten; now what?  There are plenty of natural remedies to try that will relieve the pesky itch and swelling. 

Aloe vera:  130 active compounds and 34 amino acids that are beneficial to your skin.Calendula:Soothing, moisturizing and rejuvenating properties.Chamomile: The most soothing herb of all, whether used in a tea or applied to the skin.  
Cinnamon: Said to repel mosquitoes, it also has antibacterial and antifungal properties.Cucumbers are helpful for reducing swelling.Basil: Relieves itching. Either crush up some fresh herb and apply directly to the bite, or buy the essential oil.
Lavender: One of the most popular essential oils for its calming scent, lavender is as antimicrobial as it is soothing. Lemon:  Anti-itch, antibacterial and antimicrobial actions. Avoid applying citrus juices to your skin when outdoors.Peppermint: Its cooling sensation can block other sensations, such as itching, providing temporary relief. 

Place a cooled chamomile tea bag over your bite to reduce swelling. For bites all over your body, take a long soak in a bathtub filled with warm water and 2 cups of apple cider vinegar. The acidity of the vinegar can help stop the maddening itch.

No apple cider vinegar? Dissolve some baking soda in your bath and soak for about 30 minutes. 

Not into soaking? Mix some baking soda with a small amount of water or witch hazel to create a paste, and apply directly to the bite. This concoction will aid in reducing the swelling

"Where do I pick up these oils Jess?" Don't worry, I've got you covered. Visit my Essential Oil page on ways to purchase doTERRA oils of your very own. 

Want to know more about essential oils? 

So, you've read what I have to say about natural bug remedies, but now I want to know what you use.  Share your bug repellent and remedy favorites by commenting. 

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