

Scientists think they have found a link between your coffee of choice and your personality. They say foamy coffee lovers are more likely to be obsessive and controlling whereas latte drinkers will go out of their ways to please others.

 This got me thinking. What else does your coffee say about you?

I have created my own study on this subject. Unlike the scientists, my opinions have absolutely no basis in research nor can they claim to be anything more than my fickle fancy.

I have created an (un)scientific study into the relationship between the coffee you sip and the person you are.

 You are honest and hard working. But most importantly you actually love the taste of coffee.

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Double Espresso
A true Spartan. You live a life of simple pleasures and you know how you like things: your coffee strong and your energy high.

Indecision troubles you to the point of sitting on the fence. That doesn’t take away from your brilliance though; you are a great friend who always has time to listen to other people’s troubles, obviously over a hot cup of latte.

 Dependable, reliable and resilient.  You work hard for what you want and 95% of the time you get it. Your friends know you’ve got their backs and will defend them till the end.

You have high aspirations. These aspirations are to be the Spartan. You’re not quite there yet and your coffee reflects this, it is a little watered down. Take heart though you are well on your way to a puritanical coffee way of life.

Iced Coffee
Oh my, what a sight to behold. You are the heart and soul of the party. You are bubbly, loving life and everyone in it. You are full of life and relish every minute of it.

The gateway coffee. Aside from a sweet few this coffee acts as the first step along a path of coffee discovery.

Unconventional. You are a close cousin of the espresso drinker, only with added horn-rimmed glasses, sailor tattoos and 12” records in your tote bag.

Chai Latte
A cozy, warm and loving person. You will often be found in the armchair at the back of the coffee shop. Rarely seen apart from some classic literature and of course your chai latte.

Decaf Coffee
In your prime you were proud to call yourself the Spartan. Unfortunately caffeine got the better of you. It chewed you up and spat you out the other side. You are a reformed caffeine drinker who still has a sparkle in your eye when reminiscing about the good ol’ days.

My study has turned up some interesting results. I have found that not only is coffee one of the greatest beverages that can be found, it also sums up your personality to a tea (pun most definitely intended). For a really great coffee you should give Nescafe Dolce Gusto’s coffee machines a try. They come in a variety of flavors and are quick and easy to use.

The views, opinions and positions expressed within these guest posts are those of the author alone and do not represent those of NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto®. For the most up to date information on single cup coffee machines, specialty coffee pods, and offers by NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® company, please visit the website at:

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