
21-DAY SUGAR DETOX by Diane Sanfilippo

Putting it out there...I'm a total cookbook addict. I love thumbing through all the amazing recipes and beautiful pictures.   So I'm incredibly excited to have received a copy of The 21-Day Sugar Detox book, which is now available for purchase.

Balanced Bites creator and New York Times Best-Selling author of Practical Paleo, Diane Sanfilippo created an amazing program, and now book, called The 21-Day Sugar Detox. The 21-Day Sugar Detox (21DSD) isn't like every other half baked diet plan, or a "diet" at all for that matter, it's a whole-foods based nutrition plan. By removing excess sugars and processed foods, your body and mind can reset back into it’s natural healthier habits. 

Broken into 3 parts, this book is laid out simply and beautifully.

Part I - Bad Carb vs Good Carbs, supplementation and what to expect day by day. 

Part II - Program level quiz, meal plans and modifications

Part III - Recipes recipes and more recipes

Every-other month I complete a 21DSD.  Each round gets easier and easier due to the huge amount of online support and recipe ideas. I'll admit, the first few days are easy, but by day 4 I want to punch everyone. Seriously...right in the face…BAM!  However, as my body adjusts and I begin to detox from all the excess crap, I feel better. The quality of sleep improves, I become more focused, my belly bloat decreases,  skin clears up and there's even a bit of weight-loss.  Now, this isn't a weight-loss book, it's a lifestyle book, but by fueling your body with the proper nutrients weight loss becomes an added bonus. There's no deprivation involved people, just good, wholesome, nutrient dense food.

In case sleep, clear skin, focus weren't reasons enough for you,  I'm going to throw out 5 reasons why this book is a MUST HAVE.

So many books are made with 1 set of rules that are suppose to apply to everyone, this is not one of those books.
Just starting out on trying to clean up your eating habits, been gluten-free for awhile or following a Paleo or Primal meal plan for years?  There are 3 levels for you to choose from.  Not sure which is best for you? Don't worry, there's a quiz provided to help you out.

Carrots and steamed broccoli are not the only things to eat when cutting out sugar, but it's hard to know where to start. There is a daily meal plan provided, including recipes, for each level.

Lets talk food! The book is packed with over 90 recipes as well as additional website sources to find even more recipes to suit you. These aren't recipes that take a culinary education background, They're designed for everyone to whip up and use very basic ingredients (no traveling to Middle Earth for a rare herb).

Here's a taste of what you can expect
Vanilla Bean Coconut Ice Pops

Buffalo Chicken Fritatta
(modified Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffin recipe)

Pregnant, athlete or autoimmune condition? Ways to tweak the laid out meal plans have been given. The book and program are designed to work with your lifestyle.

Changing a habit is tough, especially when you feel alone. Don’t worry, there are over 10,000 people that have completed the 21DSD and willing to share their experience with you, including myself.  Online forums, Instagram meal ideas, Facebook, Twitter…it’s everywhere!  Just search #21DSD and you'll see what I'm talking about.
In addition, there are printable guides riiiight...HERE ;)

Order a copy of your very own today

Want more recipes grab the cookbook

Now for those of you 21DSD vets, you might be asking the computer "Why would I buy this if I already know how to do it?".  There are new recipes, like Grain-Free Banola, it's beautifully laid out and the book is a nice size so you can carry it around with you.  I've been carrying it around in my purse during this round of 21DSD, it's just another reminder for me to lay off the sugar.   

Grain-Free Banola
Bottom line...go buy! 

If you're looking for more 21 Day Sugar Detox recipes, visit my 21DSD recipe page for meals I eat when on the program.


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