

Sushi gets really expensive, especially for my family. My daughter is a total nut job when it comes to the stuff and a quick sushi restaurant meal easily turns into a $50+ hit to my wallet.

When going out for sushi, baked spicy salmon rolls were my favorite. Alas, I rarely go out for sushi due to gluten cross contamination and I try to keep white rice to a minimal. Deciding to save money, as usual, we stayed home on our designated sushi night and I made Baked Salmon & Crab Sriracha, which has quickly turned into a family favorite. 

Taking the time and making it at home costs half as much and you don't need to worry about how it's being prepared.

Gluten-Free Baked Salmon & Crab Sriracha

    • 1lb Salmon - Sliced into 8- 2oz portions
    • 1/2 Coconut Aminos
    • 8 oz Lump Crab
    • Sriracha Cream Sauce
    • Avocado slices
    • Jalapeno (optional)

      1. Marinade raw salmon in coconut aminos for at least 10 minutes
      2. Meanwhile, pre-heat oven to 400 degrees
      3. Place marinated portions of salmon onto a baking dish lined with greased aluminum foil (keeps the mess to a minimum)
      4. Generously cover each piece of salmon with the Sriracha cream sauce (reserve a little for after it’s cooked)
      5. Bake for 10 minutes (no longer, salmon will continue to cook once it's out of the oven)
      6. Remove from the oven and set your broiler to high
      7. Add 1oz lump crab on top of each piece of salmon and a teaspoon of the Sriracha Cream on top of the crab
      8. Place back into oven & broil for an additonal 2-4 mins or until sauce on salmon is slightly toasted DO NOT WALK AWAY, you don’t want the sauce to burn
      9. Remove from oven and let sit 5-10 minutes.
      10. Carefully place salmon onto a serving plate then drizzle the reserved Sriracha sauce on top.
      11. Garnish avocado, sesame seeds, green onions, jalapenos or more Siracha (cream or regular) it's up to you!

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      1. By "hmmm," I meant "mmmm" haha.

      2. My daughter had the leftovers cold for breakfast. It's the new family fav. If you make it, let me know what you think or any tweaks you make :)

      3. Oh this looks so good. Sriracha Cream Sauce sounds delicious.

        Stopping by from the SITS Challenge

      4. Jess, my husband and I love making sushi at home too. I'm a HUGE Sriracha fan but he won't touch the stuff. Thanks for a new fun recipe to try. We usually stick with budget-friendly California rolls.

      5. This looks AMAZING! I love your site! I am trying to go gluten free, which is hard! Glad I found your site! Looking forward to getting some delicious gluten free recipe ideas from you!

      6. I love crab! Looks delicious. I will have to give it a try. Stopping by from SITs. Have a great weekend.

      7. This looks so delicious. My husband won't eat seafood. So I make it when he's working out of town. I'm going to add your blog to my reader!

      8. Wow, looks amazing. And AMEN to the cost of sushi--so expensive!

      9. NomNomNom I am sooooo ready to eat this NOW! Thank you so much for sharing...PINNING! :) Also, tried to follow you on Google+ by clicking on your "Let's Connect" buttons....but a got an error! Bummed!

      10. This sounds delicious. What a yummy blog! #SITS



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