NUMMY FOR MY TUMMY: Week in review & what lies ahead


Week in review & what lies ahead

Meal planning and cooking was the easiest part of my week.  Work and school projects are always a given, I run errands & grocery shop during my 1hr lunch break (luckily Trader Joes & Sprouts are only a 15 minute drive) and take 10 minutes every night to prep the meals for the next day (or 3).  I had a lot planned (note the past tense & emphasis on HAD), but the rest of the week consisted of not totally succumbing to the flu. Projects and other plans were rescheduled or just completely cancelled, my health was this weeks priority.

With my "rest time" I was able to really plan and budget out tooons of meals, about 2 months worth if all goes well.  Again, many of the menu items are written in pencil and are a generic protein w/ veggie (i.e. beef & veggies or chicken & salad), but dependent on time, this meal can turn into broccoli beef or mustard chicken w/ a warm spinach & mushroom salad. Keepin' it basic.


This weeks meals cost us $50, but that also includes 6 cans of Trader Joe Light Coconut Milk, extra grass fed beef (it was on sale) and extra fruits and veggies for snack.  We will have tons of leftovers for lunches or to freeze for future Plan B backup meals.


Spent the first 3 hours of my Sunday morning preparing most of the meals. Grilling chicken, cooking the quiche for breakfast, baking "breads" for meals and portioning everything out for a quick grab and cook situation.

Let me know if you have any tips for making meals healthy, fun and quick!



  1. You are as prepared as I am! It just keeps me on track so I won't fail. If I meal plan and prep ahead there is always something paleo for me to eat :)

  2. You are incredibly prepared...I read your blog ;) Love it & have recommended it to many friends. We don't become Super Mom (& Wife) overnight...gotta plan :)



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